Winter is on its way, and frigid winds are already howling over the northern hemisphere. Does snow, on the other hand, have any influence on your grass, which you worked so hard to maintain during the autumn season? When it's chilly outside, grass becomes dormant and gets its sustenance from the resources it has accumulated throughout the period of warmth. If you are concerned about snow affecting your lawn, you should consider snow removal Mississauga, Ontario. Let’s look at a few tips you can consider before the snow arrives this season:
Clean your lawn before the first snow: Snow can accumulate the whole season on your lawn, but on a warm day when it melts, it moisturizes the grass beneath it. Although this can be an advantage for the grass in your lawn, the moisture can always combine with the debris and give rise to decay under the snow. This can give rise to "snow fungus". This mold is extremely dangerous as it can decay the grass and leave grey and black spots on your lawn as winter departs.
Grass under the ‘snowman’: Building a snowman is a great idea to keep everyone engaged and inspire creativity. But if you build it on your lawn, the weight of the snowman can put unnecessary pressure on the grass under it. This can be extremely harmful to the grassroots, as they do not get any breathing space and quickly die under the weight.
Salt damage: Salt is used with snow to cause freezing point depression and melt the snow. Salt can be used by snow cleaners on the roadside, and most of the time, it will get carried over to your lawn. When the salt is combined with snow, it can quickly suck out nutrients from the grass through a process called osmosis.
If you are looking to manage your lawn before the snow arrives this season, you can contact snow removal and lawn care Mississauga at Custodia. Custodia is a home maintenance service provider that helps senior adults take care of their home maintenance needs. Custodia was created by Geoff Whitlock in 2018 and is now an established service provider which has helped thousands of seniors across Canada. This company has grown to over 40 communities and is serving seniors with an intention of helping and not making profits. They provide services for property and lawn maintenance.
About Custodia:
Custodia is a company providing handyman services Toronto and home management services in Canada.
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